Paraprofessionals for All Hull Kindergarten Classrooms
Hull School Committee, Hull, MA
Kindergarten children are at a developmental level where individual attention is extremely important for their learning and safety. If we have learned anything during the coronavirus epidemic, it is that the social connection between students, their peers and educators is absolutely vital. Having more adults in the room to help model and facilitate social skills is a basic requirement for Kindergarten students which is why we always had kindergarten paraprofessionals in all classes before 2019 and most area towns still do. These educators work closely with teachers to help children with lessons and social skills. They often work in small groups or one on one, which is crucial to the social and emotional health of all children.
We will be told that there is no money yet there always seems to be money for administration, consultants and other expenses. Another lesson of the current crisis is that cutting back on public services is not a sustainable option. The cutbacks in staff and direct services, as well as a reliance on testing and technology that has occurred over the past two decades, has failed our children. Kids will need even more help when they return to school in order to heal from the trauma of social isolation.
In November 2019 we won the Student Opportunity Act which includes increases in reimbursements for charter school payments and transportation. It also includes higher rates of chapter 70 funding (aid to cities & towns for education) which will increase each year until 2027. The Cares Act, passed by the U.S. Congress in March 2020 provides Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund ($51 million to Massachusetts) and an Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund ($215 million to Massachusetts). We need to spend this money democratically on the needs of our children.
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Hull School Committee, Hull, MA
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Kindergarten children are at a developmental level where individual attention is extremely important for their development and safety. We the parents, educators and community members of Hull demand paraprofessionals for all kindergarten classrooms.