Pass H.B. No. 5485 — A bill to study universal health care in Connecticut!
Human Services Committees of the Connecticut General Assembly
H.B. No. 5485 — AN ACT CONCERNING A COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF ESTABLISHING A HUSKY FOR ALL, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE FINANCING SYSTEM — would require a study of the costs and benefits of transitioning from the current health care system in the state to a universal, single payer health care system.
With health care costs spiraling out of control, even for the insured, it's top to start looking at real alternatives to our unjust, unsustainable status quo. This bill would take a hard, pragmatic look at a proposal to transition to a universal single-payer system.
The Connecticut General Assembly should pass this bill this session — starting with the members of the joint Committee on Human Services.
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Human Services Committees of the Connecticut General Assembly
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Dear members of the Connecticut General Assembly,
We ask that you pass H.B. No. 5485 — AN ACT CONCERNING A COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF ESTABLISHING A HUSKY FOR ALL, UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE FINANCING SYSTEM. This bill would require a study of the costs and benefits of transitioning from the current health care system in the state to a universal, single payer health care system.
With health care costs spiraling out of control, even for the insured, it's top to start looking at real alternatives to our unjust, unsustainable status quo. This bill would take a hard, pragmatic look at a proposal to transition to a universal single-payer system.
Thank you!