Pass the FAST Recovery Act

California State Legislature

For more than seven years, California’s fast-food workers have been joining together and speaking out to demand $15 an hour, union rights, and respect in the workplace. We’ve won $15 and paid sick leave statewide, but we’re still fighting for a voice on the job. McDonald’s and other companies have failed to take responsibility for issues like wage theft, sexual harassment, and discrimination that run rampant in our industry. Instead, California’s taxpayers have been footing the bill for poverty wages and their failure to protect their own employees.

No more. Throughout the pandemic, California fast-food workers have gone on strike at over 200 locations to make it clear that workers need a seat at the table to ensure safety for ourselves and our families. Our representatives in office must stand with us now to pass AB 257, the FAST Recovery Act that:

  1. Gives Workers a Seat at the Table. With the creation of a Fast Food Sector Council, fast-food workers will have the power to shape industry-wide workplace standards. That means workers can organize, mobilize and win higher pay and improved health and safety standards throughout the industry.

  2. Holds Large Fast-food Corporations Accountable. Corporate, fast-food giants like McDonald’s will be required to ensure all their restaurants have the resources they need to operate safely by law. If a fast-food restaurant franchise violates the law, the parent, fast-food corporation (McDonalds, Burger King etc..) does too.

Sign here if you support the Fast-food Accountability and Standards (FAST) Recovery Act. It’s time California legislators put power where it belongs: in the hands of workers.

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To: California State Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Our state government has the power to amplify workers’ voices, and must take action to create an industry-wide table where fast-food workers, employers, and the state can fix the rampant problems in fast food and hold giant corporations accountable for health, safety, and employment violations in their restaurants.

I support the Fast-food Accountability and Standards (FAST) Recovery Act. It’s time California legislators put power where it belongs: in the hands of workers. California needs laws to enable fast-food workers to fully participate in setting and upholding health, safety and workplace standards in their industry. And, it’s time large companies like McDonald’s are held accountable for the conditions facing workers in their restaurants. These are the changes we need to see to help build a more fair economy here in California. Our state can emerge from the COVID-19 crisis stronger than ever before, but only if Black and brown fast food workers have the opportunity to thrive.

Support the FAST Recovery Act.