NJ Needs Safe Staffing in Union Contracts and NJ Law
Governor Phil Murphy and NJ State Legislators
We, the undersigned, are writing in support of healthcare workers negotiating for safe staffing ratios in their contract and a NJ law. We believe it is time the New Jersey State Legislature pass the Patient Protection and Safe Staffing Act S.2700/A.3683.
The staffing crisis has left healthcare on the brink of a collapse that will have dire consequences on the delivery of care. Frontline healthcare workers continue to migrate out of the profession at an alarming rate. We all know the answer: Safe Staffing!
We support healthcare workers demand for safe staffing ratios. We urge Governor Murphy, the NJ Senate and Assembly Representatives to co-sponsor and vote yes on this legislation that will improve patient care, help recruit more healthcare workers into the profession and stop the migration out of healthcare jobs.
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Governor Phil Murphy and NJ State Legislators
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We, the undersigned, are writing in support of healthcare workers negotiating for safe staffing ratios in their contract and a NJ law. We believe it is time the New Jersey State Legislature pass the Patient Protection and Safe Staffing Act S.2700/A.3683.
The staffing crisis has left healthcare on the brink of a collapse that will have dire consequences on the delivery of care. Frontline healthcare workers continue to migrate out of the profession at an alarming rate. We all know the answer: Safe Staffing!
We support healthcare workers demand for safe staffing ratios. We urge Governor Murphy, the NJ Senate and Assembly Representatives to co-sponsor and vote yes on this legislation that will improve patient care, help recruit more healthcare workers into the profession and stop the migration out of healthcare jobs.