Pass the Real Education for Healthy Youth Act!


It’s time for Congress to stand with young people!

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Washington, DC

To: Congress
From: [Your Name]

​As young people and their allies, we support young people’s right to comprehensive sex education and information to help them make informed, healthy, responsible decisions about their sexual health.

Together, we the undersigned urge the leaders of Congress to support the Real Education for Healthy Youth Act (HR1706). Programs funded under this bill would educate adolescents as well as college students about how to prevent sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and unintended pregnancy. These programs would also teach about topics such as healthy relationships, as well as the prevention of dating violence, bullying and harassment. All programs funded under this bill must be inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth. In addition, this bill would provide training to teachers so they are prepared to be the best sex educators possible for our nation’s youth.