Pennsylvanians demand a fair, transparent, and equitable redistricting process

Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission

We’ve officially kicked off the redistricting process in Pennsylvania -- legislative leaders in Pennsylvania just appointed the first four members of our Legislative Reapportionment Commission, the body tasked with redrawing our state legislative districts this year.

That’s a good sign: for too long, our redistricting process has been held behind closed doors and without participation from everyday Pennsylvanians -- but since our mapmakers are getting started now, they have more than enough time to prioritize community involvement.

But if they don’t get this right -- or choose to engage in backroom political schemes that strip Pennsylvanians of our voice in the process -- communities across Pennsylvania could be silenced and shut out of fair representation for a decade.

We’re calling on the Legislative Reapportionment Commission to commit to drawing maps equitably, transparently, and with public input. If you agree that fair representation is a principle worth fighting for, will you join us?

To: Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission
From: [Your Name]

It’s absolutely essential that the legislative districts drawn this year are equitable and reflective of Pennsylvania’s population. But for that to happen, the Legislative Reapportionment Commission must commit to conducting their work in a fair, transparent, impartial manner and to listen to communities – not just their peers in the Legislature – in crafting House and Senate district maps.