Petition: Fix the Texas Unemployment Insurance System!

Texas Legislators

The pandemic has exposed serious flaws in the unemployment compensation system. It is too often slow, outdated, and underfunded. State employees trying to provide services to unemployed workers are forced to do more with less.  For jobless Texans, it is simply a nightmare. This is unacceptable! The state should be doing everything that it can to help ease the burden on unemployed workers who worry about paying for basic necessities. No Texan who loses their job through no fault of their own should have to jump through unnecessary hoops and bureaucratic hurdles.

To get the benefits and the system that we deserve it will take all of us raising our voice together. Let lawmakers know that the system needs to be overhauled.  The Texas AFL-CIO and Every Texan have listened to your stories and done the research and we have a Ten-Point Plan to modernize our unemployment system and make the system truly work for unemployed workers. Join our campaign for reform.

Sign this petition as a first step to let lawmakers know that the Unemployment Insurance system needs to be fixed right and fixed fast! #FixItFast

To: Texas Legislators
From: [Your Name]

I urge you to take action to overhaul our outdated Texas Unemployment Insurance system.

The pandemic has exposed serious flaws in the unemployment compensation system. It is too often slow, outdated, and underfunded. State employees trying to provide services to unemployed workers are forced to do more with less. For jobless Texans, it is simply a nightmare. This is unacceptable! The state should be doing everything that it can to help ease the burden on unemployed workers who worry about paying for basic necessities. No Texan who loses their job through no fault of their own should have to jump through unnecessary hoops and bureaucratic hurdles. Fix it now and fix it fast.