Petition For A Fair Raise and Retention Bonus at HMH
Bob Garrett, CEO, Hackensack Meridian Health Network
Please join workers at Southern Ocean Medical Center, Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Palisades Medical Center and the Harborage to demand a 10% Across the Board Raise and a retention bonus for all.
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Bob Garrett, CEO, Hackensack Meridian Health Network
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We have served our patients and our communities throughout the pandemic. The public has supported us and our hospitals both financially and politically. But now we face a different crisis. Health care workers are leaving the bedside in record numbers. We want to improve and retain staff in all job titles. Now it is time for HMH to support its workers. We demand a 10% Across the Board Raise and a fair distribution of the HMH incentive plan. We demand all members be included in the retention bonus plan. We demand that HMH meet with us to discuss raising the wages of ALL at SOMC, JSUMC, PMC and Harborage.
As Union members of HPAE we stand united in our demand for raises and bonuses for all.