Petition for Campaign Finance Reform in the City of Evanston

Elected officials of Evanston

We believe that the political process is not equally accessible for all Evanstonians. We want every person, of every color and every class, to feel empowered to engage in local politics–whether that be through a campaign donation to the candidate of their choice, or by running for office themselves. We’re fighting for this future by:

  • Introducing comprehensive campaign finance reform that will increase political engagement.

  • Turning the focus away from fundraising and towards the issues that matter.

    By signing this petition, you are demonstrating your support of these reforms and a desire for a more equitable city.
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To: Elected officials of Evanston
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge elected officials in Evanston to introduce public financing to the Mayoral and Aldermanic races.