Petition for Contract Re-opener

Englewood Health and Medical Center

Hospital management needs to take a realistic and sincere look at the state of nursing at Englewood Hospital. They need to commit to work with us to make tangible and realistic changes that will not only entice recruitment of new nurses but show the dedicated team members that are already here that they are valued, wanted, and respected.

To: Englewood Health and Medical Center
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned HPAE nurses who work at Englewood Hospital have asked our elected officers to contact you regarding reopening the contract. The COVID 19 pandemic has brought to the forefront the revolving door of recruitment and retention. The dedication of this nursing staff is undeniable but:

• We cannot continue to work without proper nurse staffing as well as the invaluable ancillary staff.
• We cannot continue to work without being afforded valuable benefit time to rest and restore our minds and bodies.
• We cannot continue without knowing administration will open discussions with us and our leaders to work towards real solutions.


Hospital management take a realistic and sincere look at the state of nursing at Englewood Hospital. Commit to work with us to make tangible and realistic changes that will not only entice recruitment of new nurses but show the dedicated team members that are already here that they are valued, wanted, and respected.