PETITION OF SUPPORT for safe, standard-driven residences for people in recovery.
SUPPORT safe, standard-driven residences for people in recovery in Nevada!
This support statement encourages recovery residences in Nevada to follow recognized and proven quality standards and ethics that help people maintain recovery. Recovery residences following best practices assist in transition and enhance long term recovery.
One of the ten basic guiding principles of recovery* is
Home : Having a consistent, peaceful and stable place to return to each day will help remove uncertainty and anxiety that can lead to self-destructive behavior.
People in Recovery are unique in their personal needs and abilities. Access to different levels of care can allow like-minded people to receive the services they need to heal. Community in Recovery is significant.
People in Recovery have rights to housing opportunities that empower them individually and collectively encourage them to maintain recovery.
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I am signing this statement of support for safe, standard-driven residences for people in recovery.
As a person in recovery, or supporter/ally of recovery, I am adding my name to this support statement for recovery residences in Nevada to follow recognized and proven quality standards and ethics that help people maintain recovery. Recovery residences following best practices assist in transition and enhance long term recovery.
One of the ten basic guiding principles of recovery* is
Home – having a consistent, peaceful and stable place to return to each day will help remove uncertainty and anxiety that can lead to self-destructive behavior.
People in Recovery are unique in their personal needs and abilities. Access to different levels of care can allow like-minded people to receive the services they need and heal.
Community in Recovery is significant. People in Recovery have rights to housing opportunities that empower them individually and collectively encourage then to maintain recovery.
I am signing this support statement today with many others in the Nevada recovery community.