Petition: Stop Canada's Brutal Commercial Seal Hunt
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

The brutal Canadian seal hunt is upon us once again. In just days, commercial seal hunters armed with guns and clubs called hakapiks are set to track down baby harp seals and shoot or bludgeon them to death, leaving lakes of red blood along the frozen white coastline.
Most of the seals slaughtered are less than 3 months old; some are as young as just 12 days, the legal age limit for a seal to be beaten to death for profit in Canada.
The situation grows more dire for these innocent seals as the Canadian Sealer's Association tries to lift the current freeze on new commercial sealing licences, which could open the door to even more bloodshed.
Sign this petition to urge Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to reject any proposal to increase commercial licenses, and instead take action to finally end Canada's cruel commercial seal hunt altogether.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
[Your Name]
The brutal Canadian seal hunt is upon us once again, when commercial seal hunters armed with guns hakapiks track down baby harp seals and shoot or bludgeon them death, leaving lakes of red blood along the frozen white coastline.
Most of the seals slaughtered are less than 3 months old; some are as young as just 12 days, the legal age limit for a seal to be beaten to death for profit in Canada.
The situation grows more dire for these innocent seals as the Canadian Sealer's Association tries to lift the current freeze on new commercial sealing licences, which could open the door to even more bloodshed.
I urge you to reject any proposal to increase commercial licenses, and instead take action to finally end Canada's cruel commercial seal hunt altogether.