Petition to call an Extrodinary General Meeting of Green Party Women

The Committee of Green Party Women

The Consitution of Green Party Women requires urgent updating.

At the Autumn 2021 Conference, a call was made to hold an EGM in order to adopt a new constitution.

Given some difficulties caused by the absence of minutes of the last AGM and the need to adopt a new constitution in order to avoid being disaffiliated, 25% of the membership of Green Party Women are required to call an EGM

The membership of Green Party Women hereby calls upon the committee of Green Party Women to hold an Extrodinary General Meeting by end of April 2022 and to circulate the updated constitution no later than 3 weeks prior to the EGM


The membership of Green Party Women

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To: The Committee of Green Party Women
From: [Your Name]

The membership of Green Party Women hereby calls upon the committee of Green Party Women to hold an Extrodinary General Meeting by end of April 2022 and to circulate the updated constitution no later than 3 weeks prior to the EGM