Petition to keep the Complete Streets project in place for NKC

The city council for North Kansas City, Missouri

The purpose of this petition is to make evident to the city council the opinion of those who live, work, and shop in North Kansas City on the subject of the North Kansas City Complete Streets Project.

We want to make clear that there are citizens who are very much in favor of the NKC Complete Streets Project and are asking for time, patience and levelheadedness in order to properly assess this project while we find workable solutions for everyone.
Petition by
Complete Streets
Kansas City, Missouri

To: The city council for North Kansas City, Missouri
From: [Your Name]

We the people demand that the City of North Kansas City leave in place the recently installed complete streets that reach from approximately 210 highway to Burlington Road on Armour Road in the great city of North Kansas City.
We feel that to fully understand the positive effects of complete streets - traffic calming, reduced speeds in business areas, safer pedestrian travel, bike lanes, improved bus travel, economic development for local businesses, and beautification of the downtown - this project needs to be in place long enough to do comprehensive studies.
By signing this petition, we are asking the city council and the mayor to keep in place the current Armour Road Complete Street project.
Thank you for your time and service.