Petition to Stop Pollution in Oceans
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

Do you that our oceans are in a big trouble?
Pollution has become a huge issue all over the world. Just check these facts and stats:
- Plastic in the Ocean breaks up into smaller fragments called microplastics. It will never go away! These microplastics have been identified in commercial fish consumed by humans.
- Up to 12.7 million tons of plastic enter the Ocean every year. That’s similar to emptying a garbage truck of plastic into an ocean every minute.
- 60-90% of marine litter is plastic-based.
- There is more microplastic in the ocean than there are stars in the Milky Way.
- 322 million tons of plastic were produced in 2015 — the same weight as 900 Empire State Buildings (which is made of granite and steel).
- Birds are highly susceptible to plastic ingestion. It is estimated that over 90% of all seabirds have ingested plastic.
- The average US citizen consumes 167 plastic water bottles each year — but recycles just 25% of them.
I'm Kevin Wilson from I love to help people solve their water problems.
I strongly believe that we need to start the change with ourselves. That's why I've created this petition.
People, wake up! Let's stop this pollution in oceans until it stops us.
The problem of pollution in oceans can be managed by looking at the root cause. And it is not a lack of technology or money that is needed but rather a willingness to work together and change behavior for a cleaner world.
People need to work across sectors, such as governments, industries and other actors, to find solutions.
Remember you can make the change by signing this petition today!
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
[Your Name]
The problem of pollution in oceans can be managed by looking at the root cause. And it is not a lack of technology or money that is needed but rather a willingness to work together and change behavior for a cleaner world.
People need to work across sectors, such as governments, industries and other actors, to find solutions.
Remember you can make the change by signing this petition today!