Petition to Support Country of Origin Labeling for meat
Congressional Representatives

Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) for meat was passed in the 2008 Farm Bill and was immediately opposed by the multi-national meatpackers. At the bidding of corporate Ag, the World Trade Organization worked to undermine COOL, and in 2015, Congress repealed Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) for meat, and immediately after, the price of cattle plummeted and consumers no longer have the ability to know whether meat on their grocery stores shelves has been raised and processed in the U.S.
Congressional Representatives
[Your Name]
We, family farmers and consumers, urge Congress to pass the “American Beef Labeling Act”, and include it in the 2024 Farm Bill. Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) allows consumers to know where their meat comes from and choose U.S. born, raised and processed beef. COOL benefits consumers, U.S. cattle producers, local economies and rural communities.