Petition To The House of Commons

House of Commons

This is a public petition to the House of Commons presented by an MP. We are collecting as many signatures as possible across the UK asking the House of Commons to urge the Government to take action.

Additional Sponsors

To: House of Commons
From: [Your Name]


This Petition of Journalists, human rights activists, and concerned citizens about the extradition of Julian Assange, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press declares that:

– A free press is incompatible with the jailing and extradition of journalists who reveal material, including war atrocities and human rights abuses, in the public interest;

– And further declares that the current Extradition Treaty between the US and the U.K. is fundamentally unbalanced in favour of the United States.


The Petitioners urge the UK House of Commons to call on the current Home Secretary to take all measures needed to review and rescind the previous decision to agree the extradition of Julian Assange.