Petition to Transition Backyard Slaughterhouses in DeKalb County into Cruelty-Free Businesses,

In Dekalb County, Georgia, there are two known slaughterhouses operating on residential properties. These slaughterhouses are known to the county and received numerous reports, investigations, citations, and even a jury trial-- yet, slaughter has continued. Beyond the county, both businesses have attracted the attention of their neighbors, who are often subject to the sights, sounds, and smells of slaughter within their own neighborhood.

Since these operations have been known to the county, thousands of animals have been slaughtered in backyards.

We petition Dekalb County to aid in the transition of both of these operations to cruelty-free businesses. We believe that communities in Dekalb County deserve beautiful spaces free of slaughter, and a partnership between the county, business owners, and community members would bolster this effort.

Please sign below and join us in asking Dekalb County to support transitions for these businesses and continue fighting to end backyard slaughter!

Visit for more info.

Petition by
Christopher Eubanks
Lithonia, Georgia
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From: [Your Name]

With your help we can turn illegal backyard slaughterhouses in DeKalb County into cruelty free businesses that benefit the community.