PETITION: Winston-Salem/Forsyth School’s Budget for 2024-2025

Board of Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools

Public schools today are facing a critical state of emergency with understaffing, funding needs, and student learning loss since Covid. Forsyth County Association of Educators believes that our students are best served with smaller class sizes and well-staffed, healthy schools.

We have heard from our members and district staff repeatedly about these important concerns.

To: Board of Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools
From: [Your Name]

We ask that the Board of Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools to address:


‣ Restoring advanced degree compensation
‣ Providing veteran educator supplements
‣ Giving equitable mentor pay for multiple mentees
‣ Moving contracted Classified Staff to WSFCS employment
‣ Prioritizing more family coordinators/translators
‣ Furnishing stipends for staff who are utilized to provide ML translation


‣ Lobbying to the state for smaller class sizes
‣ Funding ESSER Student Support Personnel
‣ Hiring bus monitors
‣ Connecting with the community to create more opportunities for students to learn and practice Trade Jobs


‣ Making sure every school provides Duty Free lunch without utilizing other staff’s planning/non-instructional time
‣ Allowing Bus drivers the opportunity to fill support positions to become full-time employees with benefits
‣ Returning work days for teachers to use as needed–no district PD/limited school PD
‣ Assisting EC teachers by reassigning EC Facilitator’s responsibilities to include Initial IEP Process and Re-evals