Our Vote Your Value Campaign is a environmental justice voter mobilization campaign that encourages residents of our 26 Black Belt counties to place value in their vote, voice and lives. The climate crisis affecting rural and urban Black Americans continues to plague residents of Georgia with flooding, coastal erosion, pollution, coal ash and more environmental impacts. To tackle the climate crisis we must address systemic issues like income, inequality and racism. This requires us to raise our voices! Voting allows us to raise our voices and being informed allows us to let them ring even louder. The first step is registering to vote, the second is getting to the polls....So will you take the pledge to Vote your Value with the Black + Green Agenda?

Let's show Georgia how much power and participation we have within the 26 Black Belt counties. Help us reach our goal of getting 1000+ Georgia Black Belt Voters to the polls. Lets turn this election season out with a bigger Black Belt presence. Your Voice. Your Vote. Your Value! Let's change the climate for a change.

Pledge to Vote TODAY and receive your Black + Green Agenda branded mask! (The first 100 signees will receive their mask) Fill out your Pledge Card and we will send your mask in the mail.

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Our Vote Your Value Campaign is a environmental justice voter mobilization campaign that encourages residents of our 26 Black Belt counties to place value in their vote, voice and lives. The climate crisis affecting rural and urban Black Americans continues to plague residents of Georgia with flooding, coastal erosion, pollution, coal ash and more environmental impacts. To tackle the climate crisis we must address systemic issues like income, inequality and racism. This requires us to raise our voices! Voting allows us to raise our voices and being informed allows us to let them ring even louder. The first step is registering to vote, the second is getting to the polls....So will you take the pledge to Vote your Value with the Black + Green Agenda?

Let's show Georgia how much power and participation we have within the 26 Black Belt counties. Help us reach our goal of getting 1000+ Georgia Black Belt Voters to the polls. Lets turn this election season out with a bigger Black Belt presence. Your Voice. Your Vote. Your Value! Let's change the climate for a change.

Pledge to Vote TODAY and receive your Black + Green Agenda branded mask! Fill out your Pledge Card and we will send your mask in the mail.