President Biden: Don’t protect war criminals from the International Criminal Court

President Biden

ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan has repeatedly warned Israel that Palestinian civilians “must have access to basic food, water and desperately needed medical supplies, without further delay, and at pace and at scale.” But Israel’s government has refused to meet these requirements.

The consequences from that are clear – as long as millions of Palestinians face potential starvation and horrific medical procedures as a result of a lack of supplies, the International Criminal Court must use everything in its power to pressure Israeli leaders to open the aid lines – including criminal charges.

Saving lives and getting aid into Gaza should be a top priority for everyone, especially the Biden administration. But right now, they’re pressuring the ICC to NOT issue a warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies. Tell President Biden, stop protecting war criminals >>

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To: President Biden
From: [Your Name]

As we speak, millions of Palestinians throughout Gaza face starvation due to the collective punishment policies of Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government. That is a war crime. Israel has been repeatedly warned by the International Criminal Court that “Palestinian civilians must have access to basic food, water and desperately needed medical supplies, without further delay, and at pace and at scale.”

But they have refused. Now, there are reports of members of the Biden administration demanding that the ICC back down & refuse to issue arrest warrants for these unconscionable acts, purely because Israel is a top partner of the United States in the Middle East.

This is catastrophically immoral and short-sighted. We must do everything in our power to bring aid to the starving civilians of Gaza, and hold war criminals accountable. As your constituent, I implore you to stop protecting war criminals in the Israeli government and let the International Criminal Court do its job.