President Biden & DHS, Respect & Protection for Texas Immigrant Workers Now

President Biden, Department of Homeland Security

The basic rights all workers have on the job have been eroded under a failed system of labor rights enforcement.

The DALE Campaign, or Deferred Action for Labor Enforcement, has two main objectives: 1) making visible the crisis of workplace abuse and unsafe conditions facing immigrant workers, and 2) demanding administrative action to turn the tide on exploitation and workplace abuse, and to win respect and protection - starting with deferred action and work permits - for workers.

Now is the time for action, and workers around the country are organizing to demand relief from coercive immigration enforcement that diminishes the rights of all workers.

To: President Biden, Department of Homeland Security
From: [Your Name]

It’s time, Biden and the Department of Homeland Security! I’m joining with workers across the country to ensure that we can exercise our labor rights without the threat of immigration enforcement. The Biden Administration can and must act now to provide immigration relief to all workers who stand up to labor abuse in the face of fear and retaliation. D.A.L.E. now, Mr. President!