Tell the Bainbridge City Council: Do not let Safer Human Medicine bring primate exploitation to Bainbridge, GA!

City of Bainbridge Councilmembers

Safer Human Medicine — a new company owned and led by three animal research careerists with ties to the country’s largest exploiters of primates for experimentation — is seeking to establish the U.S.’s largest nonhuman primate breeding and holding facility in Bainbridge, Georgia.

This facility would import endangered primates, force them to breed, and then sell them into torture at U.S. research facilities, all while endangering the health of Bainbridge’s human and nonhuman populations and degrading the local environment.  

Safer Human Medicine’s leaders have all worked as executives for one or more animal research breeding facilities with histories of animal cruelty, alleged illegal practices (including involvement in nonhuman primate smuggling), and/or violations of environmental law. They are now seeking to further enrich themselves through animal exploitation by farming nonhuman primates on a scale not yet realized stateside, and they boastfully forecast the imprisonment and commodification of up to 30,000 nonhuman primates at their Bainbridge facility.

Safer Human Medicine has colluded with local Bainbridge officials to realize their plan, and local officials have — behind closed doors and in alleged violation of applicable law — not only sold Safer Human Medicine $2 million dollars’ worth of land for $10.00 but also offered them over $58 million dollars’ in tax abatements.

The citizens of Bainbridge have brought suit to stop the construction of Safer Human Medicine’s nonhuman primate “warehouse”, and we stand with them!

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To: City of Bainbridge Councilmembers
From: [Your Name]

Dear Councilmembers:

I stand with the residents of Bainbridge, Georgia, who are opposing both the establishment of Safer Human Medicine’s nonhuman primate breeding and holding facility and the City’s allegedly improper facilitation and incentivization of the same.

As you have undoubtedly been made aware, the exploitation of nonhuman primates in Bainbridge will not only bring unethical and exploitative practices to the City, but will also (i) endanger the health of the City’s existing human and animal populations, (ii) degrade Bainbridge’s physical environment, and (iii) contradict the express will of the very people in whose interests you have promised to act.

For the good of all, I implore you to deny Safe Human Medicine situs in Bainbridge, Georgia.