Petition to Stop the Displacement of Longterm Tenants at 917 Manhattan Ave and 156 Kent St!

Elizabeth Tapper, Landlord

We are long-term tenants residing in 917 Manhattan Avenue and 156 Kent Street Brooklyn, NY 11222 at risk of eviction. As a tenant association, we fought over seven years for rent stabilization status but learned last month we lost our case on the grounds of horizontal dwelling.

Over the past decade, we watched luxury developments replace brownstones and our neighbors being forced to move away. In 2013, our buildings were bought by Elizabeth Tapper (under United T LLC) who attempted to increase our rents over 900%. We are now all facing eviction which would force us to leave our homes and community.

Please sign our petition to Elizabeth Tapper to encourage her to drop her evictions against us long-term tenants and negotiate new, affordable leases.

Many of us have lived in these building for over 45 years and are asking for things to change not only for us but for the community. Thank you for taking action to support us.


Tenants of 917 Manhattan Avenue and 156 Kent Street

For more information, please contact the tenant representative Gloria Taveras at or for more information about the building background, please contact Laura Hofmann from St Nicks Alliance at

To: Elizabeth Tapper, Landlord
From: [Your Name]

We demand that you immediately drop eviction cases against the tenants of 917 Manhattan Ave and 156 Kent St. We urge you to negotiate new, affordable leases so that our neighbors and longtime Greenpointers can permanently stay in their homes and our community.

As a fellow Greenpointer, we know you care about the neighborhood and ensuring that long term residents can stay. End the threat of displacing these tenants and support your community.