Protect voters nationwide with the Voting Rights Advancement Act

U.S. House

Our right to vote is on the line.

The Voting Rights Act (VRA), one of our nation’s proudest civil rights achievements, used to protect us from targeted voter suppression tactics. Under the VRA, states and counties with a history of discrimination had to get federal approval for new voting laws -- which stopped thousands of dangerous provisions from taking effect.

But the Supreme Court gutted that requirement in 2013 -- inviting power-hungry politicians to attack voters’ rights and pass new laws that never would've stood up to review.

Congress must use its legislative power to remedy the Supreme Court’s decision and pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act -- a new, updated Voting Rights Act that protects Americans' right to be heard in our democracy. Add your name and demand that U.S. House members take a stand for voters.

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Washington, DC

To: U.S. House
From: [Your Name]

EVERY eligible voter should be able to cast their ballot on Election Day -- free from obstruction or intimidation. But without the protections of the Voting Rights Act, voters must overcome discriminatory laws, needless barriers, and partisan dirty tricks just to be heard in our democracy.

The U.S. House must step up and defend our rights -- by passing the Voting Rights Advancement Act to restore key protections for voters.