Protect working families: Stop Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy CEOs & profitable corporations!
Members of Congress
President Trump, Republican leaders in Congress, and lobbyists want to give massive tax breaks to millionaires and wealthy corporations.
To pay for their scheme, they want to cut between $4 and $6 trillion from Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public education and other critical services.
Enriching the 1% and big corporations by slashing public services working families and communities depend on is the healthcare fight all over again!
Make your voice heard. Sign our petition telling members of Congress to reject this greedy budget plan! Tell Congress: Hands off our Medicaid, Social Security, Medicare, and education!
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Members of Congress
[Your Name]
The wealthy and big corporations must be required to pay their fair share of taxes. They must not get one penny in new tax cuts. Any tax and budget plans you support must meet the following principles:
Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and services that protect the most vulnerable must not be put at risk of cuts. Congress must raise revenue to fund investments that create millions of new jobs rebuilding roads and bridges, educating our children, expanding health care, researching new medical cures and ensuring a secure retirement for seniors.
Tax breaks that encourage multinational corporations to shift jobs and profits offshore should be eliminated. Corporations should pay what they owe on current offshore profits. And Congress should not establish new tax rates for overseas earnings that encourage companies to stash money abroad.
Congress must not use a fast-track, partisan process to pass tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.