Sign the petition - Support tax relief for working families!

Virginia General Assembly

Earlier this year, Virginia lawmakers made a decision. Instead of using new state resources to bolster our K-12 public schools, address college affordability, or support working people who are paid low wages, they sent refund checks to certain taxpayers, including millionaires. But, an estimated 1.2 million families in Virginia didn’t receive a check.

Lawmakers have an opportunity to make a better choice next year, by improving Virginia’s tax credit for working people. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) boosts incomes of working families, including about 600,000 families in Virginia. Yet Virginia’s version of the work credit is not refundable, meaning many families do not receive the full credit they have earned.

Legislators can choose to make our state credit refundable, putting money in the pockets of working families.  Doing so would boost incomes for working families in Virginia and make sure all families who get the EITC can receive the full credit they’ve earned.

Add your name to this petition to call on legislators to make Virginia's EITC fully refundable and support working people in Virginia!

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Richmond, VA

To: Virginia General Assembly
From: [Your Name]

We the undersigned call on the Virginia General Assembly to stand with working families and strengthen the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).

The tax legislation passed during the 2019 legislative session to create the Taxpayer Relief Fund and issue one-time checks to many taxpayers, left out 1.2 million families, including most EITC filers.

The EITC is a proven and effective policy for boosting incomes for working families who are struggling to make ends meet. Almost 600,000 working families across Virginia receive the EITC. A stronger Virginia credit would help families who are paid low wages meet basic needs. We call on lawmakers to use the 2020 session to support working families across our state by enacting a refundable EITC.