Recall Town Center's Representative to the Columbia Association Board of Directors

Town Center Village Board

The current representative to the CA Board from Town Center, Lin Eagan, does not represent the diversity of Town Center constituents and has proven herself to be indifferent to the pleas of Columbia residents who want the CA Board to behave legally and ethically.

The CA Board has made it very clear that they are not listening to the dozens of people who have attended Resident Speakout in recent months in support of President/CEO Lakey Boyd, nor do they care about the 879 signatures added to the petition presented to the CA Board earlier this Fall. So now it's up to residents to hold their village representatives accountable for their dismissive, fiscally irresponsible, and unethical actions. Each village representative to the CA Board can be removed from that post by a simple majority vote of their Village Board.  We must put pressure on our elected village representatives to listen to their neighbors and DO THE RIGHT THING!

Why should you care? We're glad you asked! Here are the highlights:

  • The board has hired outside counsel to advise them on how to fire the President/CEO. They have already spent over $42,000 and have recently expanded the scope of work with the outside attorney.*
  • They refused to allow the President/CEO to appeal her performance review and allowed their attorney to engage in intimidating behavior** when Ms. Boyd refused to participate in a meeting without counsel present.
  • The board has held at least 9 closed meetings to discuss the President/CEO, most of which were not announced at the next open meeting per Maryland HOA law.*

Here's a list of articles that outline the appalling behavior of the CA Board in recent months and provide some context for this recall effort:

Thank you for your support!

NOTE: Your street address is required so that the Village Board can verify that you are a CA assessment-paying resident of this village. Your personal information will NEVER be shared with anyone other than the organization being petitioned without your consent.

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Columbia, MD

To: Town Center Village Board
From: [Your Name]

As a village resident, I believe that Lin Eagan does not represent the views of most residents of Town Center and should therefore NOT be representing our village on the Columbia Association Board of Directors.

Additionally, the process used to reappoint Ms. Eagan after Kevin Fitzgerald's resignation was unfair and inequitable, as the Village Board did not follow the common practice among Columbia's villages of inviting Town Center residents to apply for the open position, then choosing the most qualified candidate from the pool of applicants.

I am asking the Town Center Village Board to recall Ms. Eagan as our Columbia Council Representative and to appoint someone who better represents our diverse community using an equitable, open process.

Thank you.