Stop Redbank's Tree Clearing on Grose Vale Rd

Mark Regent, Project Director - Redbank

Person hugging large tree marked for clearing

On the 8th of October the clearing of 158 old growth trees began on Grose Vale Rd.

For over a century, these trees have provided shade, shelter and habitat for the koalas, gliders and birds that call them home while contributing to the rural charm of the Hawkesbury.

Redbank contractors are cutting down these trees to widen Grose Vale Road for the influx of traffic brought on by the Redbank Development. The road will not be widened on the side of the Redbank site that is already cleared but instead, on council land, metres from established homes not associated with Redbank requiring the unnecessary clearing of trees and habitat.

While we have support from Councillor Wheeler, Zamprogno, Lyons-Buckett and the wider community, we need your signature to show Redbank that destroying the Hawkesbury's environment is unacceptable.

Sign the petition now, demanding Redbank immediately stop the destruction of our precious environment.

To: Mark Regent, Project Director - Redbank
From: [Your Name]

We the undersigned are appalled at the cutting down of 158 old habitat trees for the widening of Grose Vale Rd on Council Land.
These trees belong to the community and are vital habitat for the local wildlife including Koalas.
We assert that reliable koala habitat data and population surveys were not included in the relevant Biodiversity Assessment Report, and that the community was not notified about the development as per the requirements set out in the the Development Control Plan 2002.

We demand that you immediately stop the clearing of these trees and explore alternative solutions for the widening of Grose Vale Rd, including the use of already cleared land within the Redbank development property.