Protect PA Drivers

The PA Legislature

Elected officials are deciding the rules for Uber, Lyft, and their drivers in the State of Pennsylvania. About 15,000 families in Pennsylvania rely on ride share platforms as a part of, or for their entire household income. Working drivers of Pennsylvania, whether they work for UberBLACK, UberX or Lyft—and their passengers—need to be protected, safe, and have a fair pay to provide for their families.

We're calling on Governor Tom Wolf, Speaker of the House Mike Turzai, Majority Leader Dave Reed, Rep Maria Donatucci, Rep John Taylor, Rep Robert Godshall, Rep Peter Daley, Senator Jake Corman, and Senator Vincent Hughes to support working drivers with these fundamental protections:

  • A framework to regulate take-home pay and ensure there is enough work for PA drivers;
  • Create a workers compensation, healthcare, and education fund;
  • Allow drivers to buy their own ride share insurance, so they don't have to purchase it through a "booking fee."
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To: The PA Legislature
From: [Your Name]

Stand with working drivers to ensure we can afford to care for our families and protect our passengers:

1. We need community and worker controlled boards with the responsibility to regulate this new industry. These boards will protect workers and passengers in cases of wage theft, regulate driver's net take home pay, regulate local and regional needs, and address the ongoing issues that arise in this industry. Uber and Lyft seem to be unaffected when they over-saturate the labor market and pay workers an unlivable rate, which is devastating for workers and dangerous for riders. Oftentimes drivers only option when companies cut fares, to ensure they can provide for their families, is to work longer shifts regardless of the risks to their own health, or the safety of their passengers;

2. Being a working driver is one of the most dangerous jobs in America. Working drivers and their families must be protected in part by creating a statewide workers compensation and healthcare fund. That fund could help pay for defensive driving courses, classes to empower drivers to become more proficient in the industry, and provide funding for retraining courses with driverless cars which loom on the horizon;

3. Allow working drivers to buy their own ride share insurance, so Uber drivers do not have to purchase it through the "booking fee." This is one of the simplest changes to help drivers increase their immediate take-home pay.

Thank you for protecting working drivers.