Reinstate Denise Caramagno, Former UCSF CARE Director

Gavin Newsom, Governor of California; Michael Drake, President of the University of California

Please join the UCSF chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine (FSJP), and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) in speaking out against the unjust termination of Denise Caramagno, who courageously defended her colleague after UCSF publicly denounced them for questioning the health impacts of supremacist ideologies. Caramagno’s termination not only represents an attack on free speech but also reflects UCSF’s broader pattern of Constitutional violations suppressing all criticism of Israel or support for Palestinians.

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San Francisco, CA

To: Gavin Newsom, Governor of California; Michael Drake, President of the University of California
From: [Your Name]

We, the undersigned, denounce the unjust termination of Denise Caramagno, former CARE (Campus Advocacy Resources & Education) Director at UCSF. We call on Governor Gavin Newsom and the University of California President to immediately reinstate Caramagno to her rightful position as CARE Director and to clear her name from the defamatory allegations that have been leveled against her.

Caramagno courageously defended her colleague after UCSF publicly denounced them for questioning the health impacts of supremacist ideologies. Caramagno’s termination not only represents an attack on free speech but also reflects UCSF’s broader pattern of Constitutional violations suppressing all criticism of Israel or support for Palestinians.

Caramagno’s dedication to survivors of domestic and sexual violence and leadership in advocating for marginalized communities have made her an indispensable part of creating safety for the UCSF community since 2015. Her termination–rooted in racist repression–is an affront to the values of justice and equity that UCSF as an institution claims to uphold and to which many members of the UCSF community are committed.

UCSF’s actions against Caramagno are part of a growing, nationwide effort by all academic institutions to silence any form of pro-Palestine activism. Jewish Voice for Peace highlighted that universities have conflated legitimate criticism of Israel’s occupation, apartheid, and genocide with antisemitism, a false equivalence that not only harms all advocates for Palestine but also diminishes the real and dangerous threats of antisemitism. This racist repression has led to the defamation of Caramagno’s character, casting her as a threat rather than the compassionate advocate she is for students, faculty, and staff alike.

It is critical that UCSF not only correct this wrong but also reaffirm its commitment to free speech, academic freedom, student activism, advocacy, and protecting all human rights. When healthcare workers are silenced and punished for speaking up for people who face violent oppression, we recognize this puts everyone at risk. We need our healthcare workers free to speak up for the health of all people at all times–without fear or favor. We urge swift action to demonstrate that the University of California stands with those who courageously advocate for justice rather than silencing them through repression and retaliation.