Reject Georgia Tech’s Censorship of Young Democratic Socialists

John Stein, Georgia Tech's Dean of Students

UPDATE: We won! The decision has been overturned thanks to community support

Over the last 6 months, YDSA GT has been targeted by an unlawful campaign of intimidation and political repression by Georgia Tech’s administration in retaliation for hosting Jewish and Palestinian speakers who criticized Israel's unlawful military occupation of Palestine. The administration's campaign centers around a politically motivated disciplinary investigation, the very existence of which directly violates school policy and the U.S. Constitution.

"This politically motivated investigation aims to completely shut down any conversation around Israeli occupation being had on campus. To accuse YDSA of being discriminatory for being a place where anti-occupation Jews, like myself, can actually begin to grapple with the occupation of Palestinian lands is completely inappropriate" said Ariella, a Jewish YDSA Member

The Office of Student Integrity has played the role of policing certain political views by sanctioning YDSA for exercising our constitutional rights to freedom of speech and assembly and by demanding unreasonable punishments that will exhaust our limited resources and force us to betray our own deeply held political values. These sanctions would force YDSA to hold multiple OSI-approved events with organizations “with differing viewpoints,” and place us on disciplinary probation.

"I have long felt uncomfortable voicing my opinions in institutional Jewish spaces, as my views run counter to the orthodoxy those institutions espouse. YDSA provided one of the first spaces where I ever felt comfortable discussing my anti-occupation views and reckoning with the way I was taught to view Israel." said Eli, a Jewish YDSA Member and Former Treasurer of Hillel's Student Executive Board

It is clear that Georgia Tech is disregarding its students' First Amendment rights to peacefully assemble and hold expressive events. This process has been designed to intimidate YDSA's all-student membership, exhaust our all-volunteer resources, and silence our constitutionally protected political speech. The harassment of students for speaking in defense of Palestinian human rights is a nationwide trend, and it is alarming to see it proceeding this far in our own community.

"In our work throughout Georgia and across the US South, we notice a trend of academic institutions failing to uphold basic constitutional rights when support for Palestine is uplifted. We urge the administration at Georgia Tech to support students' rights to organize." said Stephanie Guilloud, Co-Director at Project South, a civil and human rights organization based in Atlanta

We, and the allied organizations below, call on Dean of Students John Stein to rescind the Institute’s disciplinary actions, which violate YDSA GT’s rights to free speech, assembly and due process, and we call on Georgia Tech to issue a public apology. YDSA GT will explore all legal options to protect our rights as students, including litigation. Regardless of your ideology, if you support the rights of students to organize around their beliefs, please sign the attached petition and share this with anyone you know. We also urge you to call Dean Stein’s office at 404-894-2565 with the attached message of support, or simply to donate to our cause.

Here is how to help:
  1. Sign on to this petition!
  2. Sign on here if you are an organization so that your organization may be added as a signatory at the end of this petition.
  3. Share this message online, with friends, family, journalists, lawyers, and other organizations who may be willing to help.
  4. Help us fundraise so that we may have the time and resources to combat these charges and seek legal aid.
  5. Call Dean Stein’s office at 404-894-2565, with the attached message of support at the end of this petition.

Hello, I am calling in support of Young Democratic Socialists of America at Georgia Tech. I find the action taken against YDSA because of their political views to be very troubling. It's clear that Georgia Tech has botched the disciplinary process and is retaliating against YDSA for exercising their constitutional right to freedom of speech and assembly. The sanctions levied against YDSA will compromise their organization’s ability to organize around their stated beliefs and goals. This is a deep blow against the values that Georgia Tech claims to uphold.
Dean Stein should rescind the Institute’s disciplinary actions, which violate YDSA GT’s rights to free speech, assembly and due process, and Georgia Tech should issue a public apology. Thank you for your time.

For more information about the case, please see our press release with more details
If your organization wants to support this petition, fill out this form.

Supporting Organizations:
A.N.S.W.E.R. Atlanta
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Auraria Young Democratic Socialists of America
Council on American-Islamic Relations - Georgia
Defending Rights & Dissent
Democratic Socialists of America, National Political Committee
Democratic Socialists of America, Durham Branch
Democratic Socialists of America, Metro Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Graduate Students for Justice in Palestine - University of California, Los Angeles
International Action Center
Jewish Student Union at Occidental College
Jewish Voice for Peace
Jewish Voice for Peace - Atlanta
Jewish Voice for Peace - Triangle NC
Jewish Voice for Peace at the University of California, Berkeley
Kennesaw State United
Macalester College Young Democratic Socialists
Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America
Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America
New York University Jewish Voice for Peace
NYU Law Students for Justice in Palestine
Palestine Legal
Party for Socialism & Liberation Atlanta
Portland State Young Democratic Socialists of America
Pride Alliance at Georgia Tech
Project South
Students Demand Action, North Metro Atlanta
Students for Justice in Palestine at Bard College
Students for Justice in Palestine at Emory University
Students for Justice in Palestine at Georgia State University
Students for Justice in Palestine at New York University
Students for Justice in Palestine at Santa Clara Universty
Students for Justice in Palestine at The Ohio State University
Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of California, Davis
Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Southern California
Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Texas - San Antonio
Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights, University of Washington
United Campus Workers of Georgia Tech
University of Cincinnati Young Democratic Socialists of America
Western Washington University Young Democratic Socialists of America
Young Democratic Socialists of America, National Coordinating Committee
Young Democratic Socialists at Eastern Michigan University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Arizona State University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Emory University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Florida Gulf Coast University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Georgia College & State University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Georgia State University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Georgia Tech
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Guilford College
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Kennesaw State University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Knox College
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Miami University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at North Carolina State University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Old Dominion University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Purdue University
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Rochester Institute of Technology
Young Democratic Socialists of America at the University of Alabama, Huntsville
Young Democratic Socialists of America at the University of Michigan
Young Democratic Socialists of America at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Young Democratic Socialists of America at the University of Texas at San Antonio
Young Democratic Socialists of America at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Young Democratic Socialists of America at Wayne State University
Young Democratic Socialists of America Muhlenberg College
Young Democratic Socialists of America of Temple University
Young Democratic Socialists of Reno
Young Democratic Socialists of University of Connecticut-Stamford Campus
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To: John Stein, Georgia Tech's Dean of Students
From: [Your Name]

Dean Stein,

Over the past 6 months, YDSA GT has been targeted by an unlawful, politically-motivated investigation and sanctioned for exercising their constitutional rights to freedom of speech and assembly. The bases of these sanctions, and the terms of the sanctions themselves, are unconstitutional and a violation of their rights.

Additionally, the investigation has been corrupted by procedural error and bias. The Institute has repeatedly violated its own policies surrounding the student organization disciplinary process. The Institute has changed the scope of the investigation into YDSA's speech, swapped out the charges against YDSA at the last second, and repeatedly deceived YDSA, all in an apparent effort to censor YDSA's political speech.

We call on Dean of Students John Stein to rescind the Institute’s disciplinary actions, which violate YDSA GT’s rights to free speech, assembly and due process, and we call on Georgia Tech to issue a public apology.