Reject Republicans' Last-Minute Voter Suppression Scheme

U.S. Congress

Republicans are attempting to pass the "Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act," a last-minute bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. This proposal is nothing more than a blatant voter suppression tactic aimed at disenfranchising vulnerable communities, particularly minorities and low-income voters, who may struggle to produce the necessary documentation. The GOP is using the ongoing government shutdown negotiations as leverage to push this harmful legislation through Congress.

Voting rights experts have sounded the alarm on this bill, warning that it could lead to widespread disenfranchisement. The Brennan Center for Justice highlighted that proof-of-citizenship requirements disproportionately affect naturalized citizens, who may be wrongly removed from voter rolls due to outdated or incorrect data. This bill would make it significantly harder for these voters to participate in our democracy, all under the guise of "election integrity."

We cannot allow this attack on voting rights to go unchallenged. Vice President Kamala Harris has made it clear that protecting the right to vote is a top priority for this administration. Meanwhile, Republicans are doing everything they can to undermine our electoral system by making it harder for people to vote.

By signing this petition, you're telling Congress to reject the SAVE Act and protect the voting rights of every American. We need to stand up against these voter suppression tactics and ensure that our democracy remains inclusive and fair.

Don't let Republicans succeed in their efforts to silence millions of voters.

Demand that Congress act now to stop this dangerous legislation.

To: U.S. Congress
From: [Your Name]

Vote down the voter suppressing legislation being proposed by Republicans.