Reject the Special Session

The Missouri Legislature and Gov. Eric Greitens

Governor Eric Greitens has called lawmakers to return to Jefferson City for a $20,000-per-day special session. The goal? To cater to anti-reproductive health extremists by passing more laws restricting Missourians’ access to health care.

Tell your lawmakers that you won’t tolerate politicians who promote more government intrusion into Missourians’ personal reproductive health decisions.

MO People's Session is a coalition of groups, including:
ACLU of Missouri, AFSCME Council 72, Capital Area Missouri NOW, Missouri State Women's Political Caucus, NARAL Pro Choice Missouri, National Council of Jewish Women St. Louis, Planned Parenthood Advocates in Missouri, Planned Parenthood Great Plains, Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region & Southwest Missouri, Progress Missouri, Reproaction, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), Women's Voices Raised For Social Justice

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Jefferson City, MO

To: The Missouri Legislature and Gov. Eric Greitens
From: [Your Name]

The General Assembly adjourned for the year less than four weeks ago after passing a budget measure effectively dismantling the Women's Health Services Program. It blocks low-income Missourians from accessing vital preventive health care, like birth control and STI testing and treatment, at Planned Parenthood health centers and many other women's health providers. Instead of spending $20,000 per day for a special session to pass more anti-women's health legislation, lawmakers should stand up for the Women's Health Services Program and encourage Gov. Greitens to protect it.

I do not want my lawmakers spending taxpayers' time and money pushing extreme bills that restrict Missourians' access to sexual and reproductive health care.

I'm asking you to reject Gov. Greitens' call for an expensive and unnecessary special session, and to oppose any attempt to undermine Missourians' access to sexual and reproductive health care. Please urge Gov. Greitens to instead protect the Women's Health Services Program and focus on measures to improve Missourians' health.