Tell AG Barr to release the FULL Mueller Report NOW

Attorney General Barr

The final Mueller Report was just turned over to Donald Trump's Attorney General, William Barr, at 5pm on Friday, March 22. It is now up to Trump's hand-picked attorney general to decide whether Congress, and the American people, find out anything about what Mueller found. That is outrageous.

In a recent poll, 87% of the American people want the report made public. That includes 80% of Republicans, 88% of Independents, and 95% of Democrats.

The Mueller investigation was an attempt to determine whether our president is a traitor. It's bad enough that the Department of Justice and the FBI didn't inform the American people that Donald Trump was under investigation during the election, but there is no way we can permit the results of the final Mueller report to be hidden from the American people. We have a right to know whether Donald Trump is a criminal who betrayed his oath of office.

And in all fairness, Donald Trump himself should want the entire report released. If Trump is as innocent as he claims, the only way to prove he's right is to release the report, unredacted but-for legitimate national security concerns.

Donald Trump has proven that he is a liar who will do almost anything to protect his reputation. There is no reason to believe that Trump's hand-picked attorney general will do anything with the Mueller report but protect Trump. And that is simply unacceptable.

It's not even clear if Trump is going to let Congress see the report!

Enough is enough. Please join me in signing this petition calling on the Attorney General to make the full Mueller report public. If enough people sign, if we make enough noise, we will embolden members of Congress to speak up and force Barr's hand.

Petition by
Washington, District of Columbia
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To: Attorney General Barr
From: [Your Name]

We have a right to know whether Donald Trump is a criminal who betrayed his oath of office. You must release the entire Mueller Report, unredacted but-for legitimate national security concerns.