Remove law enforcement from schools

Delaware School Boards

Support resolutions to remove School Resource Officers (SROs) from schools and use the funds to hire much needed mental health professionals.

Policy Overview
“In Delaware, students attending schools with police were arrested at a rate of 72 arrests per 10,000, eight times the arrest rate for students attending schools without police (9 per 10,000). Although these data are cross-sectional and no causal analyses can be conducted, other reports have also found an increase in school police to be associated with school arrest (American Civil Liberties Union). Schools that prioritize police over school-based mental health professionals create environments where typical adolescent behavior is criminalized. Having law enforcement on campus is a key contributor to this school-to-prison pipeline” (Cops and No CounselorsHow the Lack of School Mental Health Staff Is Harming Students, 24-25).

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Reasons to SUPPORT removing SROs:  
-Having SROs on standby makes it much easier to criminalize adolescent misbehavior as a police presence inherently leads to handling of more issues as criminal acts.

-Funding for a police presence takes away from other much-needed student resources such as mental health and counseling.

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To: Delaware School Boards
From: [Your Name]

I wish to share my support for resolutions that remove School Resource Officers (SROs) from schools.

Delaware students attending schools with police were arrested at a rate of 72 arrests per 10,000, eight times the arrest rate for students attending schools without police (9 per 10,000) according to data from the ACLU.

Also, "Schools that prioritize police over school-based mental health professionals create environments where typical adolescent behavior is criminalized. Having law enforcement on campus is a key contributor to this school-to-prison pipeline” (Cops and No Counselors How the Lack of School Mental Health Staff Is Harming Students, 24-25).

I believe funding for a police presence takes away from other much-needed student resources such as mental health and counseling.

Thank you,