Remove Rick Santorum from CNN

CNN, CNN International, HLN, and CNN Digital

Recently, Rick Santorum perpetuated a myth that whitewashes American history and attempts to erase Native peoples. The contributions of Native Americans are everywhere - our history, our land, and our culture are so important and meaningful that they were stolen by the very people who came to these shores. Despite these attempts to erase us, we continue to thrive.

American history that does not include Native peoples is a lie and Rick Santorum is fueling white supremacy by erasing the history of Native peoples. Allowing him to spread racism and white supremacy to the American public is reckless and irresponsible.

CNN should not give Rick Santorum a national platform where he can spew this type of ignorance and bigotry against communities of color on air.

CNN must do more to include Indigenous and diverse voices in its programming and fire Rick Santorum.

To: CNN, CNN International, HLN, and CNN Digital
From: [Your Name]

Dear Jeff Zucker-

I am very concerned about the continued employment of Rick Santorum on your platforms.

American history that does not include Native peoples is a lie and Rick Santorum is fueling white supremacy by erasing the history of Native peoples. Allowing him to spread racism and white supremacy to the American public is reckless and irresponsible.

CNN should not give Rick Santorum a national platform where he can spew this type of ignorance and bigotry against communities of color on air.

CNN must do more to include Indigenous and diverse voices in its programming and fire Rick Santorum.
