Rent Controls Now!

Hon. Poto Williams, Assoc. Minister for Housing, NZ Parliament

For the last ten years rents have been increasing faster than incomes. That means rent makes up a larger portion of renters incomes, making escaping the broken rental market even harder.

We can’t keep up with these unjustified price hikes. But we can keep it under control. We’re calling on the Government to limit rent increases based on meaningful improvements made to the property and inflation.

You have to work for your raise, and your landlord should too. In this market landlords have no incentive to maintain, or even improve your home. If the Government believes everyone deserves a warm, dry, safe home they will implement rent controls.

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To: Hon. Poto Williams, Assoc. Minister for Housing, NZ Parliament
From: [Your Name]

Dear Minister,

I am writing to you today because rent prices are out of control.

Rents are skyrocketing throughout the country because landlords can increase the price of rent arbitrarily. Despite years of escalating rents, successive governments have failed us.

I’m signing this letter in solidarity with all of the renters whose wallets have been squeezed by landlords. I am asking you and your government to:

- Limit rent increases to no more than inflation, based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the preceding 12 months.
- Allow reasonable and proportionate rent increases above CPI where significant improvements have been made to the quality or facilities of the home – beyond ordinary maintenance. Such improvements would not include those made in order for the property to comply with minimum standards.
- Prevent unreasonable rent hikes between tenancies by requiring the landlord to set rent within a reasonable range of the previous rent charged for that property (except where significant improvements beyond normal maintenance have been made) and inform incoming tenants in writing of the rent paid by the previous tenants.

It’s time to make things right — for all renters who have suffered outrageous rent increases, and for all future renters.