Rep Bernstine, Please Step Down

PA Representative Aaron Bernstine

Aaron Bernstine is Pennsylvania State Representative for the 10th Legislative District. This is paid position with job responsibilities that have a huge impact upon us and our communities. During this unprecedented crisis, he has not spent his time fulfilling those duties. Please read the petition and sign if you agree.

Petition by
Tina Shannon
New Brighton, Pennsylvania

To: PA Representative Aaron Bernstine
From: [Your Name]

Dear Representative Bernstine,

We, the people of your district, and other people in Pennsylvania affected by your lack of ability on this issue ask you to resign from your seat and allow your party to find someone more competent to replace you.

At this point in the history of our Commonwealth, nothing could be more important than having an elected State Representative with the ability to seek out and secure the material support their constituents desperately need.

Our food banks have reached out to you in desperation with no success. You haven't increased SNAP funding. You haven't advocated for or supported the moratorium on foreclosures and evictions. Either you don't have the connections or are unwilling to use them to search for and find every single N95 mask our healthcare professionals need, along with all the other PPE needed. You've suggested that teachers should not get paid during this crisis.

You haven't been involved in setting up delivery or shopping systems that would help keep people from gathering, or any of the other myriad possibilities that your elected capacity puts you in a position to implement.

You haven't demanded that the President, who is the leader of your Party, organize an appropriate public health response with full testing capacity. You haven't put pressure on the leaders of your Party within the US Senate to support a more robust Stimulus and Relief package.

Instead, you have worked to call a Special Session just to waste our time and harass our Governor, Tom Wolf, to lift the Stay-at-Home order before you have done any of this crucial work.

Perhaps your Party has a better alternative to fill the seat in District 10. The least you could do is step aside for the sake of public health and safety to give them that opportunity and to give your constituents a chance to make it through this crisis unharmed.