Representative Soto - co-sponsor H.R.1976, the Medicare for All Act
Congressman Darren Soto, FL's 9th District
We, the community members and constituents of Florida's 9th Congressional District, demand a system that guarantees health care as a human right for all. We are calling on Representative Darren Soto to fight for our health, safety and well-being by signing on as a co-sponsor of the Medicare for All Bill, H.R.1976, which was introduced on the House Floor in March.
The majority of House Democrats are already co-sponsors, including four from Florida. However, our Representative Darren Soto has not signed on to H.R.1976 so far.
WHY Medicare for All? Our current health care system is ineffective, inefficient and expensive. It serves insurance companies instead of people. It pays corporations and complicates health care for people.
Improved Medicare for All as envisioned in H.R.1976 is the only health care reform action that would:
- Put patients back at the center of our health care system by allowing us to choose providers and treatments that are right for us and our families;
- Guarantee access to high quality, culturally competent, comprehensive services, including medical, dental, hearing, vision, prescription drugs, medical devices, mental health, addiction recovery, primary care, preventative care, harm reduction, reproductive care, maternal and infant care, long-term care in facilities and at home — at no cost to patients;
- Improve the quality and availability of care by rebuilding the rural health care infrastructure, funding evidence-based solutions to the overdose crisis, setting standards for providers on culturally competent care, and addressing the racial and gender disparities in health care at their root causes;
- Replace the existing broken patchwork of private, for-profit insurance and supplemental public programs with a universal, single-payer system that includes everyone living in the U.S. from birth to end of life.
Improved Medicare for All, H.R.1976, is the only health reform proposal which improves care and at the same time lowers health care cost for the bottom 95% of households by income, no matter whether they are currently uninsured, on an employer-sponsored plan, on an individual plan through the "marketplace", on current Medicare with its limitations and costs, or on Medicaid.
Our lives have been in the hands of for-profit health insurance and pharmaceutical companies for too long, and the damage this has caused to our families and communities cannot be undone. But a different future is possible with Improved Medicare for All.
We need you to be a health care champion, Representative Soto: co-sponsor H.R.1976, Medicare for All, now!
Sponsored by
Congressman Darren Soto, FL's 9th District
[Your Name]
We, the community members and constituents of Florida's 9th Congressional District, demand a system that guarantees health care as a human right for all. We are calling on Representative Darren Soto to fight for our health, safety and well-being by signing on as a co-sponsor of the Medicare for All Bill, H.R.1976, which was introduced on the House Floor in March.
The majority of House Democrats are already co-sponsors, including four from Florida. However, our Representative Darren Soto has not signed on to H.R.1976 so far.
WHY Medicare for All? Our current health care system is ineffective, inefficient and expensive. It serves insurance companies instead of people. It pays corporations and complicates health care for people.
Improved Medicare for All as envisioned in H.R.1976 is the only health care reform action that would:
- Put patients back at the center of our health care system by allowing us to choose providers and treatments that are right for us and our families;
- Guarantee access to high quality, culturally competent, comprehensive services, including medical, dental, hearing, vision, prescription drugs, medical devices, mental health, addiction recovery, primary care, preventative care, harm reduction, reproductive care, maternal and infant care, long-term care in facilities and at home — at no cost to patients;
- Improve the quality and availability of care by rebuilding the rural health care infrastructure, funding evidence-based solutions to the overdose crisis, setting standards for providers on culturally competent care, and addressing the racial and gender disparities in health care at their root causes;
- Replace the existing broken patchwork of private, for-profit insurance and supplemental public programs with a universal, single-payer system that includes everyone living in the U.S. from birth to end of life.
Improved Medicare for All, H.R.1976, is the only health reform proposal which improves care and at the same time lowers health care cost for the bottom 95% of households by income, no matter whether they are currently uninsured, on an employer-sponsored plan, on an individual plan through the "marketplace", on current Medicare with its limitations and costs, or on Medicaid.
Our lives have been in the hands of for-profit health insurance and pharmaceutical companies for too long, and the damage this has caused to our families and communities cannot be undone. But a different future is possible with Improved Medicare for All.
We need you to be a health care champion, Representative Soto: co-sponsor H.R.1976, Medicare for All, now!