Request for Capitol Hill Investigation - Who Knew What and When Did They Know It regarding PFOA and PFAS used in Firefighter Turnout Gear


Please sign this petition for a  Congressional Inquiry seeking to discover what was known about the chemical coatings used in firefighter turnout gear by our manufacturers, and, to what lengths did they engage fire institutions by way of sponsorship, incentives, and other mechanisms to control the language the fire service has heard regarding PFOA and PFAS in firefighter turnout gear.  

Petition by
Paxton, Massachusetts

To: Congress
From: [Your Name]

Sent: Thu, Sep 17, 2020 4:02 pm
Subject: Congressional Investigation

Good Afternoon,

I'm reaching today to commend you for how quickly Capitol Hill acted on behalf of
the whistle-blower who reported the horrific details of the hysterectomies that have
occurred to women in America's custody.

Of course they deserve every stone un-turned for that investigation.

So do we.

I have filed 3 whistle blower acts on this subject, and seven (7) Department of Justice investigation complaints under 'anti-trust' violations. All have been denied.

Because I am not a government employee and because my husband was diagnosed
with cancer in October of 2014, I was told by Whistle blowers - by two separate law firms - that I do not fit the criteria for a complaint.

We seek a Congressional Investigation to be heard and for our lawmakers to question the makers of our gear, and any members of institutions that may have aided in the gas-lighting of the fleet.

As you are aware, only our manufacturers of our turnout gear knew how much PFOA and PFAS was used (so much so that even 10 year old gear still met NFPA standards for water resistance).

Our manufacturers sat on the very NFPA committees as 'voting members' who could have protected us but did not, they gas-lighted us into thinking our cancers come only from products of combustion;
"toxic smoke is deadly, but that PFOA we use on your gear is nothing to worry about."

The one chance we had to have a warning label was also removed,., by: the manufacturers. We have 'product labels'. The manufacturers lobbied for and won the right to not put 'warning labels' in our turnout gear, as it could result in an industry stopping process. They then took it to NFPA (our fire safety institution) and voted it in.

Who was on that committee and lobbying efforts? DuPont.
DuPont's own Vice President Susan Stelnecker lobbied for no prop 65 labels.
DuPont has been a member of NFPA 1971 - standards for structural firefighting gear, for decades.
Not once have they brought up the PFOA in our gear, past or present - only to say if there it would be in 'trace amounts'.

For many months now, I have been emailing details to this same congressional group.

I am very concerned that because of affiliations with the International Association of Fire Fighters, there is reluctance by some here, to ask and investigate the difficult questions. That the timing could in fact harm Biden as the IAFF was first out of the gate to support him.

We are pleading for you to investigate the poisoning of America's Bravest. Regardless of election year. This is a decades old deception, a bi-partisan nightmare.

As you know we went to the extreme length of conducting our own independent
research and study (results below). With no help from any fire institution, in fact,
we have been met with such resistance I'm extremely concerned there is much more than collusion, and conflict of interest going on.

I suspect there is a pay to play along the lines somewhere that involves perks, incentives, and who knows what else.

I have been given very detailed information that must be investigated. As it concerns the International Association of Firefighters General President
Harold Schaitberger and some of our manufacturers.

You will find the PDF's for Dr Peaslee's study on sponsor 'Last Call Foundation's' page:

See also:

We are seeking to know exactly "Who knew what and when did they know it?"

To bring you up to speed, I am enclosing a link to the email I sent to the executive board of the International Association of Fire Fighters on July 11, 2020.

I would ask you all to please view this 30 minute EWG discussion with Nantucket Fire Captain Sean Mitchell and California PPE Specialist Jeff Knobee from August 2020.

The details they provide about their own efforts in this subject are staggering.

The Path to PFAS Free Turnout Gear:


Diane Cotter
Rindge, NH

Offices of:
Senators; Shaheen, Peters, Warren, Sanders, Hassan, Markey, Carper,

Representatives; McGovern, Kildee, Fitzpatrick, Pappas, Kuster, Blunt-Rochester, Rouda, Trahan