Retirees need $581 now; tell Congress to pass the SAVE Benefits Act


There was no 2016 Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for beneficiaries. That was bad. But the just announced 2017 COLA of just $5.00 per month for the average retiree may wind up being worse for retirees. Since there was a COLA, Medicare premiums are expected to increase.

It’s likely that those premiums will absorb all of the COLA leaving beneficiaries with no additional money to help pay their bills. That's why we need your help, sign the petition below and demand Congress pass the SAVE act.

To: Congress
From: [Your Name]

We call on Congress to stand with seniors and pass Senator Elizabeth Warren’s SAVE Benefits Act (SB 2251).

America’s retirees should not be forced to decide between putting food on the table and paying for healthcare. Social Security beneficiaries have gone too long without a meaningful increase. They should get this one-time payment of $581 paid for by closing tax breaks for large corporations.