Rodney Reed is Innocent - Free Him Now!
Bastrop County (TX) DA Bryan Goertz

Rodney Reed has been on death row in Texas since May 18, 1998 for allegedly murdering Stacey Sites in 1996. Reed is innocent.
The Innocence Project argued on behalf of Rodney Reed at the US Supreme Court on October 11, 2022, seeking clarity on a matter of technicality that the State of Texas was trying to use to deny him access to DNA testing. On April 19, 2023, the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of Rodney Reed, allowing him to seek additional DNA testing based on newly discovered evidence that disproves the states theory in the case, and demonstrates the prosecutorial misconduct that sent an innocent man to death row.
- This article from The Intercept, published July 7, 2023, provides the most thorough explanation of the case and the moment we are in.
Rodney Reed Was Nearly Executed in 2019
On November 15, 2019, the Texas Parole Board denied a recommendation of clemency and at the same time recommended that Governor Abbott grant at 120 day reprieve that Reed's attorneys had requested in order to pursue various new evidence of innocence. A short time later, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals issued a stay and sent the case back to the trial court. That hearing was held in August, 2021 with closing arguments heard on October 18, 2021. Just weeks later, the judge in Rodney Reed's evidentiary hearing at the trial court level in Bastrop County recommended AGAINST giving Rodney Reed a new and fair trail. On June 28, 2023, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied Rodney Reed's request for a new trial. Click here to read a statement from his attorneys.
Please sign and share this petition - names added now will be held for the next action where citizen engagement may be useful.
Read the Innocence Project's letter to Texas Governor Abbott, here.
The State’s entire case against Rodney Reed has been demolished. The timeline is wrong, all the expert witnesses recanted their testimony, and some of the most respected forensic pathologists in the world concur that the prosecution’s theory is impossible. The State’s case doesn’t make sense because Rodney is innocent.
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Bastrop County (TX) DA Bryan Goertz
[Your Name]
Bastrop County DA Bryan Goertz - You have actively opposed Rodney Reed’s efforts to prove his innocence for years. Please stop opposing Reed's legal efforts to get at the truth. If you really have nothing to hide, then it’s time to get out of the way. We DEMAND:
(1) Do not seek another execution date;
(2) Test ALL the evidence;
(3) Initiate a new, fair trial free of racial bias and false forensics, and without hiding evidence that has finally been turned over.
Rodney Reed should have an opportunity to fully prove his innocence in a courtroom. You have the power to make that happen. Please use it now.