Safe, Affordable Housing is a Baseline Need for Everyone


During the early days of the pandemic, we asked people to stay home.  But how do you stay home if you don’t have a home.  Quality, stable, affordable housing is core to everything we do.  

Low-income, immigrant, and marginalized people have been facing insurmountable barriers to safe and stable housing for years. Many Minnesotans are one financial crisis away from an eviction. And recent tragic fires across the nation have reminded us that Congress must act to ensure housing is not only stable and affordable, but also safe.  

Safe, stable housing increases education and health outcomes. It helps families, improves local economies, and builds strong communities.  We have an opportunity to make a historic investment in housing that will pay it forward.

Tell Congress to pass the High-Rise Fire Sprinkler Act (HF6192/S3346) and the Build Back Better Bill. These bills provide incentives and funding to retrofit sprinklers in high-rise buildings and will provide much needed funding for affordable housing investments.

To: Congress
From: [Your Name]

​During the early days of the pandemic, we asked people to stay home. But how do you stay home if you don’t have a home. Quality, stable, affordable housing is core to everything we do.

Low-income, immigrant, and marginalized people have been facing insurmountable barriers to safe and stable housing for years. Many Minnesotans are one financial crisis away from an eviction.​ And recent tragic fires across the nation have reminded us that Congress must act to ensure housing is not only stable and affordable, but also safe. Sprinklers save lives and we need a national bill requiring sprinklers in public housing buildings.

Safe, stable housing increases education and health outcomes. It helps families, improves local economies, and builds strong communities. We have an opportunity to make a historic investment in housing that will pay it forward.

I urge you to pass the High-Rise Fire Sprinkler Act (HF6192/S3346) and the Build Back Better Bill with essential housing investments.

Thank you.