Endorse the People’s Vision for Democracy in Saudi Arabia

Global Community

Support Democracy in Saudi Arabia

Please join us and endorse the “People’s Vision” for democracy and human rights in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia’s brutal dictator Mohammed bin Salman has tortured and imprisoned peaceful Saudi Arabian voices who have called for freedom and human rights in their homeland.

Now brave Saudi activists have launched “The People’s Vision for Reform in Saudi Arabia.” The People’s Vision is a blueprint for freedom, democracy, and the rule of law.

Show your support for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in Saudi Arabia. Endorse the People’s Vision by signing this petition.

You can read the full People’s Vision here.

Scroll down to read the short petition statement.

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Washington, DC

To: Global Community
From: [Your Name]

We stand in solidarity with Saudi Arabian activists who are calling for human rights, the rule of law, and democracy in their homeland.

We endorse “The People’s Vision for Reform in Saudi Arabia.”