Save Cosmic Slop and MAP

Councillor Kayleigh Brooks

Save Cosmic Slop and MAP

MAP Charity needs your support. We are facing our biggest challenge in nearly two decades, a challenge with potential to shut our doors for good.

Global Investment fund Cheyne Capital, is applying for planning permission for 310 flats (Reference: 24/02803/RM), right beside our home of 18-years, the Grade II listed Hope Foundry. Some of these flats will have balconies overlooking our courtyard. Not only does this courtyard provide vital access for young people who use the charity’s services, but it also, and this is what is causing acute concern, provides the outdoor area for our regular fundraising source, the music event Cosmic Slop.

Throughout the charity’s two decade long journey, Cosmic Slop has always been the staple fundraiser, and one of the essential tools necessary to keep us on the public’s radar.  If the development goes ahead and opens the door to noise complaints, it has the potential to not only affect Cosmic Slop but also various producer forums, along with one off and showcase events.

Outline permission for the building has already been granted, and in a couple of weeks we will move to the stage where the specifics of the application will be decided, such as the balconies overlooking the venue.

The bottom line is, if the planning permission goes through in its current state, the potential for noise complaints from new residents could cut off MAP Charity’s main fundraising source, as well as a direct threat to 10 jobs in the events team. This could end MAP Charity.

If we lose our main fundraising arm, the organisation will be at financial risk and we could lose the building.


We want people to sign this petition, showing what MAP and Cosmic Slop means to them, and why it would be a tragedy to prioritise balconies for luxury flats over such a key piece of Leeds' cultural and creative scene, and calling for conditions to be put in place that protect MAPs future.

The planning process is the only chance we have to protect ourselves from noise complaints. Once people are in the flats and complaining, not much can be done.

We want:

- A Deed of Easement, which is a contract between the developer and the venue allowing the venue to make noise within certain parameters without fear of complaints
- The balconies overlooking Hope House to be abandoned and replaced with a brick wall
- The planning department to review at panel the wider implications of what this application means for our listed building, the historical character of the area, and the provision of of a safe space for the charity's service users use of the courtyard

Please sign our petition to strengthen our voice in this process.


You can also follow THIS LINK to send a letter to local councillors and local MPs letting them know how important MAP is to you.

Thank you for your support.

To: Councillor Kayleigh Brooks
From: [Your Name]

I am very concerned about the proposed development near Hope House, the site of MAP charity.

MAP is a hugely important piece of the cultural scene in Leeds. It's a truly unique space, where world class DJs come to support a vital music and education charity helping young disadvantaged people.

If this development goes ahead as currently planned, balconies overlooking MAPs courtyard will pose a huge risk to Cosmic Slop and other fundraising events that are vital to MAPs fundraising efforts. Noise complaints are well documented to have a hugely adverse impact on the operation of venues, and after already losing WIRE, Leeds cannot afford to lose this space too.

Please consider attaching conditions to the development, such as:

- A Deed of Easement, which is a contract between the developer and the venue allowing the venue to make noise within certain parameters without fear of complaints
- The balconies overlooking Hope House to be abandoned and replaced with a brick wall
- The planning department to review at panel the wider implications of what this application means for our listed building, the historical character of the area, and the provision of of a safe space for the charity's service users use of the courtyard

I really hope you will factor this into your decision making.