Save Norwich Walk-in Centre and other crucial health services.

NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB)

Speak out now, save health services for all - we saved it once, we can do it again.

NHS bosses put forward plans to close the Walk-in Centre on Rouen Road back in 2023. Norwich residents spoke out strongly against these plans then, highlighting that this is an essential and highly valued service, and the plans were dropped as a result.

Plans to close the Walk-in Centre, or to at least reduce the service drastically - from currently 14 hours/day (7am-9pm) to just 4 hours/day - are now back on the table, alongside plans to close the base of the Vulnerable Adults Service Inclusion Hub, and to reduce Out of Hours Service provision.

Why are these services important?

The Rouen Road Walk-in Centre sees around 6,000 patients a month. It takes pressure off A&E and GP surgeries and helps thousands of people when they can't get a doctor's appointment, especially at weekends. People from more deprived backgrounds are more likely to use the Walk-in Centre, and thus more likely to be negatively affected by its potential closure. The Vulnerable Adults Service provides essential specialist services for those experiencing homelessness and drug or alcohol dependence, sex workers, and those with precarious immigration status. The Out of Hours service offers crucial face-to-face appointments during times when regular GP surgeries are closed. Offering out of hours services in fewer locations would make it harder for some people to be seen, particularly those who do not drive, have limited access to public transport or have lower incomes.

What can you do?

Sign this petition now

Show how important the Walk-in Centre, the Out of Hours service, and the Vulnerable Adults Service Inclusion Hub are to you and the people of Norwich and Norfolk by signing this petition.

Respond to the consultations

Two consultations have been launched by the local NHS (Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board) with options for the future of the Walk-in Centre, the Out of Hours Service, and the Vulnerable Adults Service Inclusion Hub. The proposed options include the closure, or significant reduction, of services. You can fill them both out here under ‘Have your say’ until the 27th of April.

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To: NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB)
From: [Your Name]

We, the signatories of this petition, ask you to:

Commit to maintaining the essential services provided by the Norwich Walk-In Centre on Rouen Rd, the Vulnerable Adults Service Inclusion Hub on Westwick St, and the Out of Hours Service. People in Norwich and across Norfolk rely on them for their health and wellbeing, and slashing them risks increasing burdens on other services.

Seek additional funding from central government to bridge any financial shortfalls.

Carry out a needs-based risk assessment of all your services to determine where any savings can be made that do not unfairly impact the poorest and most vulnerable the hardest.