Save Our Health Care: Stop Tom Price

U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer & U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

As a Congress member, Tom Price voted for a bill that would ban abortion nationwide in almost all cases and opposed guaranteeing contraceptive coverage. He opposed marriage equality and voted against preventing job discrimination based on sexual orientation. His plan to “replace” the Affordable Care Act would leave 30 millions people without coverage and take away protections for those with pre-existing conditions. And he wants to privatize Medicare, gut Medicaid, and push high-deductible plans on people who cannot afford them.

He isn’t just wrong on the issues – Tom Price is on the wrong side of history. Tell Senators Schumer and Gillibrand to vote NO on Price and lead their colleagues in forcefully rejecting his nomination!

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To: U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer & U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
From: [Your Name]

Rep. Tom Price is unfit to lead the Department of Health and Human Services.

Price bought and sold healthcare stocks while introducing legislation that would benefit the industry. Reports that surfaced over the weekend suggest he may have even engaged in insider trading and violated the STOCK Act of 2012.

He's also wrong on the issues. Time after time, he's opposed protecting reproductive rights by voting to ban abortion and limiting access to birth control. His plan to "replace" the Affordable Care Act would leave millions of newly-insured people with no coverage. And his plans to privatize Medicare and gut Medicaid would hurt the elderly and low-income people who can least afford it.

Senators of all political parties should oppose a nominee who has repeatedly engaged in unethical behavior and put personal gain before his constituents.