Save Our National Parks
UK political leaders

National Parks are the UK’s most iconic and awe-inspiring landscapes. Like The Beatles and the NHS, they are world renowned and represent the very best of our nation.
They are a source of wellbeing, adventure and connection with nature for millions of people.
But scratch the surface and all is not as it seems.
As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of National Parks in the UK, the truth is that these places are facing a host of challenges:
Wildlife and habitats on the brink of destruction
Rivers and lakes clogged with sewage
Fragile ecosystems ravaged by climate change
A growing divide when it comes to who can live, work and visit these places
National Parks can overcome these challenges but are being held back by out-of-date legislation and damaging budget cuts.
Our politicians hold the key to rescuing these landscapes and the new government has the potential to make the real changes needed.
Join a movement of people from all ages and backgrounds standing up for our National Parks.
Sign the petition and send our leaders a powerful message that National Parks matter
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UK political leaders
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To celebrate the 75th anniversary of National Parks, we stand with Campaign for National Parks in calling for urgent action to safeguard these landscapes for current and future generations.
We want to see National Parks that are:
1. Wilder and nature-rich across land and sea
2. Protected from pollution, destruction and harm
3. Resilient to climate change
4. Inspiring wonder, discovery and wellbeing in everyone
5. Home to thriving communities
6. Benefitting from sustainable tourism, farming and transport
7. Celebrated for their natural beauty and proud heritage
We demand that political leaders turn this vision into a reality by committing to an ambitious programme that transforms our National Parks for the benefit of people, nature and the planet.