Save Old Kailua. Save Pali Lanes.

Alexander & Baldwin

ʻAʻole. Enough is enough. For too long, Big Developers have gotten away with treating Kailua town like a cashbox that exists only for their profit, with no regard for our community, our history, our culture, or the people who have called this place home for generations.

First it was Kaneohe Ranch, now it's Alexander & Baldwin. With each mom-and-pop that gets shut down for a Big Box store or tourist attraction, we lose the unique charm and culture that makes Kailua special in the first place.

Now, Alexander & Baldwin has announced that in January of 2019, it's demolishing one of the last great historic landmarks of Old Kailua — the Pali Lanes bowling alley — in order to build a tourist attraction that will all but complete Kailua's transformation to the Waikiki of the Eastside.

Their justification? Apparently "tenants and community members" have been asking for "gathering spaces" in the center of town...

Well guess what? We have a gathering space in the center of town, and it's been there for generations — it's called Pali Lanes. The Lanes have always been a special place for families and communities to gather, and we're not going to let them be sold out just to turn Kailua into a money-making tourist attraction. Sign the petition to demand that Alexander & Baldwin preserve what's great about Kailua, by preserving Pali Lanes. #SavePaliLanes

Petition by
Evan Weber
Honolulu, Hawaii
Sponsored by

To: Alexander & Baldwin
From: [Your Name]

Dear Alexander & Baldwin,

As a resident or friend of Kailua, I appreciate your desire to want to improve our town, but closing down Pali Lanes takes things a step too far. Closing Pali Lanes would not improve Kailua, it would ruin it.

Pali Lanes is one of the last major historic landmarks of Old Kailua, and it's a cherished cultural touchstone for our community. Generations of Kailuans have enjoyed gathering at Pali Lanes to have fun with family and friends and make memories that last a lifetime. In many ways, Pali Lanes is everything that is great about Kailua.

Please, don't demolish and redevelop Pali Lanes as you have announced for January 2019. Instead, work with our community to preserve its history and all it has to offer our town for generations to come.

Thank you,